Irrigation System

Drip Irrigation is also known as trickle irrigation or micro irrigation, is an irrigation method that saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants through a network of valves, pipes, tubing and emitters.

Why is the need of drip irrigation?

  • To use water efficiently.
  • No water to runoff or evaporation.
  • It reduces water contact with crop leaves, stem and fruits.
  • Agriculture chemicals can be applied more efficiently.


1. Drip irrigation Method

Drip Irrigation is an irrigation method that saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants.

1.1 Sub-surface drip irrigation - Water is applied below the soil surface.
1.2 Surface drip irrigation - Water is applied directly to the soil surface

2. Sprinkler System

Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying irrigation water which is similar to natural rainfall. Water is distributed through a system of pipes usually by pumping. It is then sprayed into the air through sprinklers so that it breaks up into small water drops which fall to the ground.

Extra Feature- Drip System Automation

Drip System Automation refers to the operation of the system with no or just a minimum of manual intervention beside the surveillance. Almost every system (drip, sprinkler, surface) can be automated with help of timers, sensors or automatic valves with control panel.

Advantages of Drip Irrigation System

  • Less requirement of irrigation water.
  • High Yield
  • Over irrigation is avoided.
  • Reduced labor cost.
  • Weed Control
  • Uniform distribution of water