”We employ the state-of-the-art ENERGY solutions to live a more energy-efficient,cost-effective and eco-friendly lifestyle”.

Our LED, SOLAR & HYDRO-POWER solutions efficiently off set dependence on conventional energy sources and provides reliable and maintenance free power.

LED Lighting Solutions

LED Lights by HSM Corporation set new standards in comparison to the brightness, efficacy and quality of conventional lighting therefore enabling to replace incandescent.

Solar Power Solutions

HSM offers an extensive range of energy efficient, cost effective & eco-friendly solar options tailored to suit your needs suitable for both commercial and residential applications.

Hydro Power Solutions

Hydropower is the most economical form of renewable energy. HSM elaborates long-living, environmentally friendly and economically efficient solutions for hydraulic power generation

Battery Solutions

HSM offers an extensive range of cost effective & eco-friendly battery options tailored to suit your needs suitable for both commercial and residential applications